School Meals
All children at school can have school meals. Our meals are made at The Old School Kitchen in Cartmel and are freshly made each day, all ingredients are locally sourced . Children have the following options:
• Home made soup with a sandwich - choice of fillings from ham, cheese or tuna.
• Hot meal - a different one each day. The variety is delicious, lasagne, homemade burgers, fish , pasta bakes, chicken wraps and more.
• Vegetarian option - again homemade each day ranging from macaroni cheese to veggie sausages, burgers.
• Dessert - yoghurt or a tray bakes type pudding.
The menus for our school meals can be found here.
The cost of school meal is currently £2.60. All school meals are paid for using our Parent Pay system. Each parent is given a login for their child. Children who are entitled to Free School Meals also order this way.
Meals must be ordered a week in advance and are the responsibility of the parent to place this order. School does not do this for you. Orders for the following week must be placed by 12 noon on a Friday.
Children may also bring in a packed lunch from home if they prefer.