Allithwaite C of E Primary School PTA
Welcome to the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). We hope this will give you a good understanding of what the PTA does, what we have planned in the coming year and how these activities generate very well received funds for the school. Perhaps you may even convince you to get involved.
What is the PTA?
The PTA is essentially a fundraising organisation whose sole aim is to raise funds to support the pupils of Allithwaite C of E Primary School. It is made up of a small committee of teachers and parents who work together.
What does the PTA do?
Throughout the year, the PTA plan and run a number of events aimed at raising funds for the school. All of the money raised is used to improve facilities or enhance the curriculum for the school’s children. Decisions around how the money raised is distributed, are made in collaboration between the PTA members and the teaching staff. Our current aim is to raise money to develop the outdoor area by providing playground equipment for the children. A schedule of events is planned at the start of the academic year. Letters are then sent out ahead of events, asking for volunteers. If you can spare time, please volunteer as without support, the running of the events can become challenging. Our PTA always welcomes new members, so if you wish to be involved in the planning of events please let one of the PTA members know.