Welcome to our Governor's page.
You can view and download information about our Governing Board here. This includes the role of the Governors, the current serving governors and an introduction to each of them.
If you have any further questions about our Governor's, please contact our Clerk Of Governors Mrs S Lambert at clerk@allithwaite.cumbria.sch.uk
The Role of the Governing Board
The role of the governing board is essential to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again the Office for standards in education (Ofsted) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management, which includes that of the governing board.
School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. The role of the governing board supports the headteacher and staff by positively promoting the work of the school, celebrating its achievements and working to ensure the best outcomes for pupils.
In the Governance Handbook (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/governance-handbook) it states that all boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Each individual governor and any associate member(s) form the governing board, which is established in law as a corporate board. This means that individual governors and associate members do not act independently of the rest of the governing board. All decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board. As long as LA maintained school governors and associate members act within the law, governors are protected
Our school Governing Board has 3 committees: Curriculum, Community and Engagement; Staffing & Finance; Premises, Health & Safety.
Curriculum, Community and Engagement Committee – overall purpose is to:
Monitor the standards pupils achieve, making sure they make at least expected progress and that the school is at least in line Nationally.
Monitor the school's success in promoting inclusion
Ensure that the school development plan is focused on appropriate priorities for raising standards at the school
Ensure that policies are reviewed on a regular basis to promote improved standards
Advise the Governing Board of the school's curriculum policies and oversee the National Curriculum statutory obligations are met.
Contribute to monitoring and evaluating parts of the self-evaluation summary, the school development plan and policies relating to resources issues, reporting or making recommendations to the full Governing Board
Encourage and develop links with the local community and further afield
Staffing & Finance Committee – overall purpose is to:
Formally prepare and recommend the annual school budget for FGB approval at the start of each financial year.
Monitor purchasing and authorise purchases above a set amount.
Monitor income and expenditure at regular intervals.
Act as personnel and authorise staff pay rises in-line with the school's pay policy.
Audit accounts and act on the school’s audit action plan.
Agree the staffing structure with the Head Teacher
Headteacher Performance Management Group – overall purpose is to:
Carry out the Governing Board's statutory responsibilities for the Performance Management of the Headteacher.
Premises, Health & Safety Committee – overall purpose is to:
Adopt the H&S policy appropriate to the needs of the whole school.
Provide support and guidance for the Head Teacher and Caretaker on all matters relating to the school premises and grounds, security and H&S.
Inspect the premises and grounds with the Headteacher and Caretaker regularly and prepare a statement for the committee.
Ensure the school complies with H&S regulations, seeking external advice if necessary.
Complete the Accessibility plan for the school in consultation with the Head Teacher.
Other working groups may be set up when needed to address or discuss particular issues or research a particular area and report back to the full governing board.
Current Governing Board
View our current Governing Board here:
Governing Board Introductions
Carol Lamb
Foundation governor - appointed by Diocese
I grew up in Cockermouth but working for the health service involved many moves across the country until we settled in Allithwaite in 1994. I took early retirement in 2012, which has given me the chance to become more active in the local community. Special responsibilities; member of Curriculum, Standards & Engagement committee. SEND, Pupil Premium/LAC and Gifted & Talented governor.
Heather Wilson
Co-opted governor – appointed by governing board
I was born locally & moved to Kents Bank then Allithwaite in the late 80’ s. I work at UK Slate Ltd in Flookburgh as an Office Administrator & have been on Allithwaite Playing Fields Committee for a number of years. My interests include walking, reading & socialising. In my younger years I played hockey for Allithwaite Ladies. I trust I will bring a stronger link with our Community & local school which I believe is so important for the nucleus of a village. Special responsibilities: Chair Curriculum, Standards and Engagement committee. Link Governor.
Paul Bartlett
Co-opted governor - appointed by by governing board
I moved to the area as a child and attended Cartmel School and then Ulverston 6th form. I served an Engineering Apprenticeship at NC Lasers at Cark, where I worked for 6 years and where I first met and worked with Heather Wilson. Since then I have worked predominantly overseas in the Oil and Gas business. I have always rotated back to the area and kept a base in the area. I have been associated with a number of the sports teams in the area, from where I know Steve Chambers, who shares and equal passion for sports. My children went to Allithwaite School. I am acquainted with a number of the staff, including Rachel Humphries and know a number of the parents, so I thought it would be nice to see where I can help the team and give a bit back.
John Whitehead
Co-opted governor – appointed by governing board
I feel proud and privileged to have been elected a School Governor. I have lived in the School’s catchment area for over ten years and I have followed its development for most of that period. My maternal ancestors have lived nearby for centuries so that I feel a strong affinity with the area. Although now retired, I hope that my experience in the management of organisations both large and small will enable me to make a positive contribution to the School. My focus will be in the areas of finance and staffing and I look forward to working with my fellow governors to secure the continued successful development of our school and its delightful pupils and staff. Special Responsibilities; Chair of Governors. Chair of Staffing & Finance committee. Chair of Premises, health and Safety Committee Finance governor. Data Protection Officer. E-Safety governor
Gillian Elliott
Head teacher; ex-officio Staff governor
I have been at Allithwaite since 2013, it stood out clearly from the first moment that I came to Allithwaite, that this is a school with an extraordinary community, who wish the utmost success for their children and who have a caring and supportive ethos at their core. Allithwaite Church of England Primary School is undoubtedly a welcoming and nurturing school with amazing children and dedicated staff. I feel privileged to be leading our school. Having taught in all year groups within my many years of teaching and being a parent myself, I fully appreciate how important each year of a child’s school life is towards preparing them for life. I am passionate about teaching and have high expectations of all abilities of children and I will strive to ensure that our school supports children to be whole rounded individuals. I strongly believe that school is the opportunity for children to discover and unlock hidden talents in a fun and nurturing environment. Every child has the ability to do amazing things if a school provides the right opportunities. I am committed to Allithwaite school and to working alongside parents, Church, staff and Governing Body. Special responsibilities: Head teacher and member of all three committees.
Steve Chambers
LA governor – appointed by governing board
I am a director of the Plumgarths food business in Kendal and have lived in Allithwaite for the past 30 years. My two daughters both attended Allithwaite Primary School and for six years I served as a Governor of Cartmel Priory School Academy Trust, four of them as Chair.
Leisure time includes chairing the local football club in Cartmel and I am connected with several other local organisations.
I passionately believe that all children are entitled to the best start in life via an excellent education delivered locally and am delighted to be part of the team ethos that exists at Allithwaite.
Special responsibilities: Vice-chair of Governors; member of Staffing and Finance committee
Rachel Twist
Parent Governor - elected by Parents
After growing up in the south of England, I have now lived in the local community for 25 years and have well and truly made this beautiful part of the country my home.
I have three young children, two of whom have only recently begun their journey with Allithwaite Primary School.
In my working life, I am a Teacher of Art & Design however I currently work as a supply teacher, as this allows me more flexibility to juggle family life. I have also previously worked in the Youth Work sector and, through this, have developed a heightened greater understanding and appreciation of the importance of positive mental health and wellbeing amongst children and of all ages. Outside of work, I like to engage in Art and also any activities which allow myself and my family to be alongside nature. We love to go on walks through the woods and to explore places of interest. I have only recently joined Allithwaite School’s board of governors as a ‘Parent Governor’ and I look forward to working alongside the other members, to ensure the children at the school are always at the root of all important decision making. Special Responsibilities; member of Curriculum Standards and Engagement Committee
John Tindal​
Foundation Governor - appointed by Diocese of Carlisle
Recently appointed by the Diocese of Carlisle, John lives locally and has a background in education.