Before and After School Care
We have been working hard to see how we can adjust our wraparound care provision to help meet our family’s needs and we are pleased to offer from September 2024: -
Breakfast club from 8am Monday – Friday
After school club to 6pm Monday – Friday
Both of these clubs will be available for all children who attend our nursery and school including 3 & 4 year olds.
Breakfast club charges
£3.50 for the first child
Includes cereal, toast and milk/juice/water
£1.50 for additional siblings
Breakfast is followed by a short play before the school day starts.
After school club
​The children have a fantastic time at after school club, there is lots of space to play board games, get creative, dress up or play with small world toys. We are very well resourced and have access to a secure outdoor play area. Children can use the laptops or tablets supervised; we have a large whiteboard to watch movies and to play games such as ‘Just Dance’ which is a firm favourite. We use the school hall so children have the opportunity to play sports such as basketball and badminton leaving plenty of space for a chill out area for those who want it. Homework and reading support can be provided if requested by parents/children.
After school club charges
Our charges are now structured depending on the length of time your child will be in afterschool club. There are three option types to choose from.
Option 1
3.15pm-up to 4.15pm
£5.00 for the first child £3.30 for additional siblings.
Includes a snack including fruit & biscuit and drink.
Option 2
3.15pm up to 5.15pm
£9.00 for the first child £6.00 for additional siblings (equates to £4.50/£3.00 per hour)
Includes an additional snack later in the afternoon such as toast, cereal, cheese & biscuits, yoghurt, fruit and drink.
Option 3
3.15pm up to 6.15pm
£12.00 for the first child £8.00 for additional siblings (equates to £4.36/£2.90 per hour)
Includes an additional snack such as jacket potato, beans or spaghetti on toast, pasta & sauce, toast, cereal, cheese & biscuits, yoghurt, fruit and drink
Wrap around care is managed by Mrs Garnett who has HLTA Status, an NVQ3 in Supporting Teaching and Learning, NVQ3 in Early Years Education, holds Paediatric First Aid and Food Hygiene certification. Mrs Garnett is supported by Miss Reed who holds Paediatric First Aid and Food Hygiene certification and Mrs Taylor who also holds Food Hygiene certification. The Club is inspected by Ofsted and School Policies and Procedures are followed.
Wraparound care can be paid for using the government tax free childcare scheme, you can find further information and apply to the scheme by visiting https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare. We are also signed up to a number of employer childcare scheme, please talk to the office if you would like to use one to pay for wraparound care, if we are not already signed up to your employers scheme we are happy to look into adding this to our list.